ATTN: Bitcoin Promoters MUST See This!

Hey Safelisters,

I have personally earned over 1.1
bitcoins this month from a handful
of crypto opportunities.

I couldn’t have done this without
a steady supply of opportunity
seekers that are responsive to the
crypto-currency niche.

After testing close to EVERYTHING
under the sun, the traffic source
that continues to rank #1 for this
niche is USA Lead Club.

USALC leads answer a big YES to these
3 questions before they are given to you:

1. Do you have a valid credit card? YES

2. Are you willing to invest AT LEAST
100.00 in the right opportunity? YES

3. Are you ready to get started within
the next 30 days? YES

This makes these leads EXTREMELY
qualified to join your bitcoin

The top enrollers on leaderboards
across the industry ALL have
USA Lead Club accounts.

Do you???

Kick Butt and Make Mucho Bitcoin!

Jenna Pauley
Shoot me an email |

P.S. Need a mentor who cares? I’ll walk
you through the steps I’m taking to
MILK these leads. Shoot me an email.