332 Clicks & 5 PAID SALES on Tuesday? I’m in HEAVEN!

I know leads.

After 20 years and 120k
invested, trust me. I
know leads very, very well.

I’ve bought leads from over
75 different vendors during
this time and there is one
clear winner.

Pennies 4 Profits


What you get:

– 100 leads per day
(I’m 45 days in so I have 4500 leads)

– The ability to import them into
the provided mailer and send out
an email ad every 24 hours.
(I mailed my 4500 this morning)

– The ability to download the leads
in csv format. You get firstname,
lastname, email, ip and Fresh Factor

Important Facts about P4P:

– I use P4P like a safelist. I login
every morning, click “import 100 leads”
to add my latest batch of 100 leads to
the P4P mailer, paste my email ad in
and I’m golden.

– But unlike safelists, these are LEADS
you are mailing. So they aren’t just
trying to quickly “click for credits”
like safelists users do.

– The leads have opted in to receive info
about biz opp, IM and MMO’s. They are
prospects EXPECTING to hear from you.

– Leads are EXCLUSIVE to YOU. No one else
gets your leads. This means you are the
only one mailing them (unlike safelists)


Yesterday I imported my latest batch of 100
leads into the P4P provided mailer and
send out my email ad.

19% open rate of 4400 leads
Of those 836 opens, 321 Clicks my links
Of those 321 clicks, 32 opted into my list
Of those 32 optins, 5 PAID to join my offers.

These are NOT typical safelists results.

Mail P4P leads. You’ll never wanna stop 🙂


Jenna Pauley
Lead Consultant
email: mrs.jenna.pauley@gmail.com

– If you don’t build your
dream, someone else will hire
you to help them build theirs –