Newspapers Alive: 131 Sales in 31 Days? OMG, OMG!

For 2 1/2 months now you’ve been
reading my emails on NPA:

Why the heck haven’t you joined?

* In the 31 days of July I’ve converted
131 sales with the programs I’m promoting
in Newspapers Alive.

* I’ve answered HUNDREDS of emails
from you beautiful people about
NPA and receive DOZENS of lovely
“thank-you” emails every day.

It’s only 10:28AM on a beautiful
Tuesday morning and:

+ I’ve already got 198 visitors from NPA

+ My stats show 326.33 in commi-ssions
from 7 sales (ALL from NPA Traffic)

Let me put it this way. If you don’t
create a NPA account once you finish
reading this email, someone ELSE will
and THEY will be getting YOUR leads and
sales. Without a doubt. Seriously!

I are standing by to help you every
step of the way 🙂

Jenna Pauley
(email me with questions. I don’t bite 🙂