25X MORE Sales Vs. Safelists

We all know what compounding
interest means and the power
it has when investing.

Well Pennies 4 Profits is the
ONLY lead service with
compounding results.


– Every day you get 100
fresh leads with P4P

– Every day you login to
the provided mailer they
offer and click “import
100 leads”

– You can then mail your new
100 leads IN ADDITION to
all previously imported leads.

So day 1, you mail 100 leads

Day 2, you mail 200 leads

Day 15 you mail 1500 leads

Day 30 you mail 3000 leads

And so on!

Today I’m 60 days into the
service so when I imported
my latest batch of 100 leads
into the provided mailer I
now can mail 6000.

Yesterdays stats:

21% open rate
452 clicks
38 optins
7 sales (45.00 x 7 = 315.00)

315.00 from 1 mailing!

And since I get 100 new leads
every day, my opens, optins,
clicks and SALES compound

The reason P4P leads convert so
high is because they aren’t just
“clicking to earn credits” like
most safelist users do.

These leads have GENUINE interest
in biz opp & Internet Marketing
and are EXPECTING to hear from
someone just like YOU.

I’ll be online ALL day if you
need me 🙂


Jenna Pauley
Lead Consultant
email: mrs.jenna.pauley@gmail.com

– If you don’t build your
dream, someone else will hire
you to help them build theirs –