How to stop getting BOMBARDED by ads

Hello my friend.

A word concerning the Internet and you.

The Internet is a small apartment stuffed full of teenagers in business suits trying to get your attention.

They want you to start a free trial of this, half off your first box of that, three months free of…you get the picture.

And it can be a headache. A serious headache.

The reason it’s a headache is because we know that at least some of the products and services being advertised are good, even just what we need.

But they can be annoying when they’re mixed in with everything else, all smirking and winking at the same time.

Here are three suggestions to get rid of the headache:
1. Aspirin.
2. Never open your emails and walk outside.
3. Become content with what you have.

When you’re content, really content, the ads have no allure. When you are satisfied with your version of whatever product and or service you are being pitched, other ads look silly.

But when ads are alluring…it’s a sign that you want something that you don’t have.

And when you come across an ad like that, there are only two healthy ways to respond:
1. Unsubscribe.
2. Take it seriously.

Here is my point.

If my emails don’t speak to something in you, please unsubscribe. If they do, we need to talk.

Unless one of those two things happens, you’re going to perpetuate the headache that comes from being bombarded by ads.

Thank you for your time (hopefully).

All The Best,


Click here.
