Advertise All Over The Net

Peace and Prosperity

Internet marketing is extremely competitive. Many marketers are not advertising enough. You cannot send out a few ads and expect to become an overnight success. You have to advertise a lot and do it consistently.

You have to advertise everywhere you believe your target market to be. You have to use multiple types of ads. Most importantly…so you can have longevity, you have to be able to advertise economically.

Let me tell you what works for me. It will work for you too, as long as you apply it consistently. I use safelists, traffic exchanges, and credit mailers. My favorite kind of ad sites are text ad exchanges offering several ways to send my ads, along with super solo ad networks. Super solo ad networks reach tens of thousands of members. These types of text ad exchanges save time and money.

Look here, the key to success online is to have a product or service people want and promote, promote, promote. Advertising helps to build your reputation as well. My name and face are on all the programs I promote. One more thing…please have patience, do not quit. I said this in the beginning and I am saying it again…success is not going to happen for you overnight.

Randy Brickhouse-Bey
