How to Create Persuasive Landing Pages

Hey ,

Did you check out Aweber’s new Landing page builder yet?

I’ve taken a few screen shots of inside for you if you were curious to see what it looks like.

This new landing page builder is simple and easy to use, while giving you enough customizing options.
It’s not clunky and over-complicated like other page builders.
It’s all smooth, “drag and drop”.
The best thing is though that the published pages load mega fast!

You need to be building an email list!

And Aweber has you covered.

Their new built-in Page builder makes it easier than ever for the beginner marketer to start building an email list.
It removes one extra step (and the extra cost) of using a 3rd party page builder which involves you having to integrate Aweber into.

So, I highly recommend you get started using Aweber to build your list.

It’s never been easier

