CryptoTab – Earn Bitcoins is a free Bitcoin mining platform using Chrome.

Invite active friends who will invite their friends and start making real money! Earn more than 1 BTC!

Add CryptoTab to your Chrome and start to earn Bitcoin. Invite your friends, family and associates by your personal link and make many times more money!

If you have a PC or laptop with an Internet connection, with CryptoTab you can earn money without doing anything. After this beginning that couldm a bostentatious we will have to exp lain how it is to make money without doing anything , right?

The answer is called CryptoTab . CryptoTab is a free Bitcoin mining platform that allows you to earn Bitcoins from home without doing anything.

The process to start making money with CryptoTab is very simple and it will not take you more than 2 minutes after which you will be starting to earn Bitcoins from home without doing anything.

First of all you must have a PC or laptop with an Internet connection. In addition, you must have the, installed . After these initial requirements, the steps are as follows:

Download the CryptoTab extension for the Chrome browser

After pressing the ADD TO CHROME AND OBTAIN BITCOIN button, an informative window will appear requesting the permissions for its installation. In it, click on Add extension.

The faster, the faster earn Bitcoins.