Post Gopher – Absolute Way to Create a Lead Magnet

No matter what niche you’re blogging in, one of the most important things you can do is capture your visitors onto your own email list.

Because think about it for a moment…

Social media, search engine optimization, and other traffic sources are great… but you don’t own the platforms.

You have zero control.

If those platforms change their rules, your traffic is toast.

If those platforms disappear off the face of the internet, they’re going to take all their traffic with them. But if you have captured as much of this traffic as possible onto your mailing list, then you’re going to be just fine if your favorite traffic sources disappear.

And you know what else? You can’t trust people to come back to your blog on their own. You need to remind them. And the best way to do that is by persuading them to join your list.

To Your Success!

Gordon McQue