[FIRST_NAME] I must be crazy Beta Testers required only for serious people

I am calling across the globe for beta-testers who will have the chance to get into this free.

Then if you want to I am going to give you a chance to get access to my paid tools area.
If you opt into this price, not only will this be the price you will pay forever, ( or as long as you remain a paid closed group member) when I add more content and value you will still stay at this price.
Why am I giving this to you so cheap- reason- as you are my beta tester I thank you for taking a leap of faith with me, in return all I ask is that we can post your money growth and testimonials, I will be dedicated to making you succeed, so I can introduce other people to my closed group membership with paid tools areas which will be going up considerably higher – I call this sensible pricing.
there will only be 20 monthly access areas at $9, price after the beta test will be $39, always will be available
there will be only 20 yearly access areas $109, price after the beta test will be $497, limited spaces
there will only be 20 Lifetime access areas $197, price after the beta test will be $ 997, limited spaces

Also, this has a referral program built-in which you can make 50% commissions pers sale

What else does this closed group have? you will get access to all my future products plus the existing products I have built resulting in thousands of pounds of products.

Instant approval to promote my links and make money

I must be crazy-right

With My paid tools closed group access you will be able to have access to via my unique schedular so you don’t have to do a thing
Imagine if I told you – I have a custom tool that can rank you better than you are in the youtube build subscribers, likes follow, save for later. video requires to be a max of 10 minutes plus a good keyword ( did you know that this is an organic way to build leads secret which will help create authority with your youtube account plus you can’t get banned.

*********News Flash ********** all above I am offering you is only 7% of what my closed group area is all about.
I will show you proven Battle-tested forever green content which will give you recurring money every single month
Help with affiliate marketing plus so much more – see for yourselves is this a life-changing moment for you to take action now before the slots go.
I will be exposing how I have made thousands online Plus how you can too. ( this is stuff not all people don’t know about)
Online training programs, Tutorials, Help you require to succeed. Plus so much more.

See you in the member’s area
