(¯`*•.(¯`*•.[FIRST_NAME] A Great Passive Alternative ==>>

Hello [FIRST_NAME] ,
Just recently, a trusted friend introduced me to an amazingly simple and affordable advertising program that shares its revenues with the members. The best part is they actually pay US to advertise with them. How cool is that?

So …

… if you have a business or program to promote,
… if you want to earn $15 for every $10 you spend,
… if you are tired of having to click daily or hourly just to get paid,
… if you are tired of having to sponsor other people,
… if you are tired of waiting for your withdrawals,
… if you are tired of programs that do not keep their promises,

Then …

I invite you to join me in 10pays15. You will find that they are a refreshing change!

How do I get started?

It’s just as easy as 1-2-3! Really it is!

1. Register a User Account. Don’t worry this is quick, it only takes a minute.

PLUS they give you 500 FREE ad credits just for taking a look, how cool is that?

2. Purchase your advertising packs.
Purchase your advertisement pack and advertise your personal business or website and get $15 back on each one you buy.

3. Get paid instantly to your account
They pay you just to place ads, it really doesn’t get much easier than this to earn cash.
And no waiting a week, a day or even an hour, we get paid INSTANTLY every time a new ad is purchased! Instant money direct to your account.

If you want more proof, check out the glowing testimonials from just a few of the many happy members. http://www.10pays15.com/testimonials.php?bruce01go

Looking forward to having you join our team and I welcome any questions you may have.

To our success,
Bruce Salmon