Get Sizzling Hot Leads

If you want to get tons of sizzling hot leads,
then this email is for you, ~fname~

And by tons, I mean so many leads, that who knows,
you may be able to move to a tropical paradise
like Stefan Berg did.

I know that may seem a bit far fetched, especially
when you are scratching tooth and nail to make anything

But Stefan moved from the bitter cold of Sweden
to Borneo because he discovered the secrets to
magnetically attracting razor sharp leads

Don’t get get me wrong, I ain’t here to sell you
some e-book.

In fact, I ain’t selling anything.

All I am doing is giving away memberships to
Stefan’s Magnetic Lead Generation System because
I am 110 percent positive it will help you get
what you want out of your online business.

And my reward?

It’s simple. When you see the sheer power of The
Lead Magnet, you will know deep inside your heart
that my recommendations are above the board.

And that’s all I want.

Go get your membership and start turning your
dreams into your reality.

Talk to you later,
Brian Zens

P.S. You can keep on banging your head against the
wall doing what you are doing or you can use the
power of magnetic attraction and get what you want.

P.P.S. There is no risk whatsoever because I am
giving Lead Magnet Memberships away.