Hey there!

keyon & Igor here.

Thank you so much for subscribing to our email list — and for joining this growing community of aspiring freedom seekers dedicated to “turning pro” and running a more profitable and stress-free business.

Also, we recognize that by signing up, you are trusting us with your valuable time and attention.

We take that responsibility seriously. And we don’t want you to miss a single tip, tactic, technique, tool, or resource that we share.

So please take less than a minute right now and do the following to make sure our emails never disappear into your spam folder…

If you’re on mobile right now, just reply to this email with the words “got it.” That way, at least we’ll know our email didn’t go to spam to begin with.

Once you’re at your computer — or if you’re already at your computer — .

They take less than a minute, and will make sure our emails always make it to your inbox.

After you’ve finished the steps in the video, reply to this email and say “done” to let us know.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

clientName & Igor