Rewardical program for you

Hello, [FIRST_NAME],

We must help each other, isn’t it right? Therefore read carefully the following text:

In the last month alone, SFI Affiliates and Members received 35,000,000 Rewardicals from our Biz Quiz, Daily Grand, Daily Crown, and Badge Quest contests.

In addition to winning Rewardical Tokens (RTs) in SFI and TC drawings and contests, you can earn RTs when shopping at local and online stores via the Rewardical loyalty program. You can then exchange Rewardical tokens HERE for a variety of great goodies including at free gift cards, Bitcoin, silver bullion, and more.

Online store owners, do you know that you can grow your sales, expand your customer base and improve customer loyalty by plugging the Rewardical program into your website.

Do not forget the PROMO CODE: f43ed4

Regards, Dusica