Author Archives: thomasklein

[FIRST_NAME] OMG – I will pay your upgrade!

Hi ~fname~,



1. Join as a FREE member!

2. One of our Team will pay for your upgrade to Builder member for 3 months!

3. No Money Out-Of-Pocket! You agree to Pay-It-Forward for 6 Builder members from commissions earned from the “Elite Team Builder” program!

4. You are the sponsor of the 6 Builder members!

If you don’t earn money, We don’t get paid!

We lose, not you!

We are repaid from commissions earned only!

Together we all SUCCEED!!!

Thomas Klein


We can double your downline

All the top 6 and 7 figure earns swear by the hottest marketing 
system to double their downlines. They have the secret to rapid duplication and growth.
Their teams have more leads than they can handle because of this
automated marketing system.  Are you sick of barely getting by? Tired ofseeing others pass you on the leaderboard? Then get the advantage all the top earners use and swear by.
We want to prove it and want nothing out of your pocket.


[FIRST_NAME] We Send You More Hot Leads Than You Can Handle


The biggest problem when it comes to making a huge income is having enough people to show your biz too. We have fixed that issue and want to prove it to you at NO COST. We have tons of hungry hot leads ready to look at your offer. They are ready to take action and are waiting to see what you got.
We will show you how to get the hottest leads begging to work with you.

Again we don't want anything from you so put your wallet away.

Just watch our video to see how this works


Tested and Proven gives you EVEN MORE!

Introducing the Marketing Workshop and Video Training for marketers.

Discover easy steps to build a Biz with tested and proven sources.

You can use our proofs and statistics to get referrals into multiple top performing and paying sources by only promoting TAP.

It's a win-win!

Join TAP read the Marketing Workshop page , watch the videos and join us at skype.

To your success


Tested and Proven gives you EVEN MORE!

Introducing the Marketing Workshop and Video Training for marketers.

Discover easy steps to build a Biz with tested and proven sources.

You can use our proofs and statistics to get referrals into multiple top performing and paying sources by only promoting TAP.

It's a win-win!

Join TAP read the Marketing Workshop page , watch the videos and join us at skype.

To your success


A Free Tool To Encourage Your Referrals To Upgrade

Getting referrals can be hard, getting 
them to upgrade even harder!

People are worried about spending money 
when they don't know whether a site
will deliver.

Now you can show them proof of the sites
that do!

Tested and Proven is a free downline 
builder which will make getting referrals 
easier and increase the chances of them 

All you have to do is invite them to 
join TAP where they can see REAL PROOF 
OF RESULTS so they can join and upgrade 
with confidence!

And it's working already - we have proof
of that too!


A brand new way to generate website traffic.


I've just joined Traffic Ad Bar which is a brand new FREE way to generate website traffic for your websites.

Unlike many other services, Traffic Ad Bar uses a level ladder which generates hits for members by using the "Daily Update Email".

But the reason that I joined more than any other was that I can use the Traffic Ad Bar to advertise my website completely FREE, AND reach almost everyone on the internet!

Kind regards

Thomas Klein

Kind regards
