Author Archives: smartgoaltv

A 20 years online experience regret for not using SFI!


Today Review by R. Belmonte
“I have been involved in network marketing for over 20
years. I have never seen anything like SFI. If I had only
known about SFI beforehand, I would have not wasted my
time. Now, I am spreading the word to the whole world that
there is nothing anywhere that can come close to SFI. ”

R. Belmonte

To find out more go to below link:

Your Partner In Success,
Muhammad Yusuf Jaafar

Not too long ago, I was living from paycheck to paycheck


Today Review by Shaun L. Cary
“It’s hard to believe that not too long ago, I was living
from paycheck to paycheck. I was working in a warehouse
throwing boxes, working overnight long hours, and not been
able to spend time with my kids.

Since discovering Plug-In Profit Site, and the power of internet marketing,
I have been able to quit that job, make more money without ever having
to lift a single box, and now I can spend all my time with my kids!

I even show other moms how to do the same thing. I love it!”

Shaun L. Cary

Get full details here:

To Lifelong Success,
Mohammed Yusuf Jaafar

The Tomato that Can Change Your Future


There are two ways people fail when they try to achieve a
big, hairy, audacious goal.

1. They procrastinate and never get around to even trying

2. They burn themselves out by working too hard, and quit
before the results start to roll in

So, most “lifehack” experts agree that if you want achieve
any major goal, you need to do two things…

1. Work at it every day – but not so much that you get
burned out

2. Work at it for at least 21 days until it becomes a habit

The two go hand in hand…

If you say, “I’m going to work at this for 10 hours a day”,
you’ll burn out after a few days. And, besides, if you have
a day job, how are you going to work at it for 10 hours a
day and still have any kind of life?

If you say, “I’m going to work on this for 21 days” but you
don’t make a commitment to when and how long, then you’ll
also fail.

The best commitment you can make is “I’m going to work on
this for 25-30 minutes per day, every single day for 21

The bestseller Pomodoro Technique by Staffan Noteberg,
leverages the idea that humans work more productively and
creatively when they take short breaks every 25-30 minutes.
Many who employ the technique find they accomplish far more
in 25 minutes than they used to in 3-4 hours.

Matt Lloyd has devised his MTTB system with these
principles in mind.

21 Steps. One step per day. 25-30 minutes per step.

If you work MTTB in this way, and do not earn at least $500
in your first month, Matt will refund every penny.

And with commissions of $1000, $3000 and $5000
available…without ever lifting the phone…the possibilities
are almost limitless.

Do you have 30 minutes per day to commit to your goal of
financial freedom?

Of course you do.
Subscribe to below link.

To Your Internet Marketing Success,

Mohammed Yusuf Jaafar

[FIRST_NAME], Being “perfect” is NOT necessary


The mere fact you’re reading this means you are serious
about changing your life by learning internet marketing.

And I applaud you for that.

So now that you’ve taken the first step.

The next is the follow through.


That’s key.

You don’t have to have all your ducks lined up before you start.

You just need to start and that momentum will get you going.

Stick with it, model successful people, and pretty soon you will
become a successful internet marketer in your own right.

I look forward to the journey you and I will take together.

There’s SUCCESS up ahead!

Let’s hurry to meet it.

To Your Internet Marketing Success,
Muhammad Yusuf Jaafar

Do not miss this impressive system!


Today Review by P. Dunaway
“I have been in several network marketing companies, but
never have I seen a system this impressive that does so
much so quickly!”

P. Dunaway

To find out more go to below link:

Your Partner In Success,
Muhammad Yusuf Jaafar

Plug In Profit Site is Making Sales for me as I am Writing This!


Today Review by Ryan Oakley
“Plug In Profit Site is Making Sales for me as I am Writing

I have to hand it to Stone for creating one of the most
effective and simple all in one systems for creating a full
time income from home.

The training is incredibly easy to follow and keeps you
moving smoothly throughout the entire process. By the time
you’ve reached the middle of the training you are already
making money!

The Plug In Profit Site will always hold a special place in my
heart as the first system that ever made me money online.
It was entirely responsible for the first ever Paycheck I
received from my internet efforts!

Even as I am writing this, I received an email telling me
that I made a new sale!

Thanks again Stone for creating the Plug-In Profit Site
system and giving me new found hope that I really can earn
a living online!”

Ryan Oakley

Get full details here:

To Lifelong Success,
Mohammed Yusuf Jaafar

If It’s All about the Money You’ll Probably Fail


Remember Cuba Gooding, Jr.’s character, the flamboyant
football star, “Rod”, dancing around in the shower while
talking to his desperate agent, Jerry Maguire?

Rod keeps prodding Jerry to scream “Show me the money!”
over and over and over. Louder each time.

And sometimes that’s what info marketing can feel like.
It’s all about the money.

Online info marketing has a bad reputation thanks to a
small group of bad apples. That reputation is that it’s all
“show me the cash”. All about greed. Nothing matters but
# the size of your commissions and the number in your bank
[FIRST_NAME] account.

And, don’t get me wrong, money motivation can be a very
positive thing. Some part of your personality needs to be
dancing around with Rod and screaming “show me the money”.

But not ALL of your personality.

Because that attitude will only take you so far in the info
marketing world…especially if you don’t experience success
right away.

If all you have to motivate you is your greed gland…you’ll
burn out quickly if the results don’t show up right away.

You need higher motivation. Ask yourself, “What do you want
the money FOR?”

Spend more time with your family?
Quit your 9-5 cubicle job?
Travel the world?
Give to your favorite charity?
Change the world?
Enjoy your favorite hobbies more?

Spend time writing those things down. Then visualize them as vividly
as you can.

Every day.

Even a MTTB, the most powerful, systematic and high-paying
online business I know of, can only take you so far if all
you care about is money. Set your goals higher, work the
steps, and the money will appear.

Subscribe to below link.

Talk later,

Mohammed Yusuf Jaafar

Why most internet “gurus” suck?


Most internet marketing “experts” talk a good talk.

They usually try to come across as being on top of their

Spouting stuff they’ve taken from somewhere else then
passing it off as their own.

It’s people like those you should be wary of.

But you don’t know it.

So who can you TRUST?

Here’s my advice: TRUST and MODEL who’s CREDIBLE and

already where you want to be

This is RARE in the industry.

Unheard of.

Because many so-called “experts” aren’t brave to do what
this person is doing.

If you’re ready to get started on the path to true internet

freedom, check out the link below right now:

Let yours be the next internet success story

Your Partner In Success,

Muhammad Yusuf Jaafar

Eresponder Pro… Included! – 5 Campaigns 500 Subscribers


Hostthenprofit gives you the opportunity to earn residual
monthly commissions on any paid client you refer into our
Web Hosting program. We allow our affiliates to achieve the
highest levels of payments very quickly!

Get FREE Bulk Email Marketing Software and other amazing
tools at GVO Host Then Profits!

Are you tired of web hosting company’s that can’t get your
bulk email delivered? Or perhaps, like most hosting
company’s, they shut you down when you try to email your
contact list?

Here at GVO, not only do we welcome responsible bulk
mailing, we actually provide you the tools to do it
absolutely FREE!

Although we may be a Premier Web Hosting Company with over
12 years experience, that owns our own data center, please
understand this. We are internet marketers first and we
know that the money is in your legitimate double opt in
contact list.

In fact; GVO was born because our president Joel Therien
was a successful internet marketer first. We are not
talking spam here. We are talking legitimate email
marketing and list building. Every time Joel would send an
email to his list:

* His email would not get delivered properly
* Or his web host would shut him down

So welcome to GVO Host Then Profit, an internet marketing
firm that owns every aspect of their data center, filled
with a staff that understands how to help you make an
AMAZING income with your web site!

We provide the tools to assist you with building a massive
contact list. We have amazing relationships with, and have
been white listed with, all the blacklist companies out
there like Spamhaus and Spamcop.

* Create groups/campaigns
* Send in HTML or Plain Text
* Easy to use HTML editor
* 100% deliverability
* Personalize messages with custom fields
* Ultra Fast mail sending
* Unlimited Follow-Ups
* Professional forms to choose from
* Send single messages
* Timed sending of emails
* Powerful subscriber filtering and sending
* Unsubscribe function
* Daily activity report
* Advanced click tracking and reporting
* Bounced message handling

Be in touch soon.
Mohammed Yusuf Jaafar