Author Archives: justrich

Passive Bitcoin Cloud Mining


Joseph here 🙂

Man I have never seen anything like this…

Just 4 days into the Crypto Wealth Bitcoin Cloud Mining Launch and we already have over 2K members!

Here is how it works, there are three (3) interest levels;

Starter (3.6% daily), Advanced (4.08% daily) and Superior (4.8% daily).

ROI is in 1 Month, yes a month, amazing, right!

Now here is how you can participate.

1. Go to and create an account
2. Login, click on Deposit, input the DEPOSIT AMOUNT in Bitcoins and click MAKE DEPOSIT
3. Send the amount input to the provided Bitcoin Address
4. The sent amount will be credited into your new crypto wealth account in the 25 minutes
5. You’ll then start profiting every hour for 24 hours daily

Yep! That’s it for those who have worked with BITCOIN before.

Now, if it’s your first time to hear about Bitcoin, PLEASE CONTACT ME USING ANY OF THE OPTIONS GIVEN AT THE END

I am already a Regional Representative and will give you all the support you need in order to profit from this opportunity. It’s very simple and clear afterwards

And I will do it 🙂

So you will want to get on the ground floor NOW to reserve a good spot!

If you are stranded please send me mail at or contact me on facebook: or on skype: kisakye.joseph or call me on: +256782776077 or +256702776077

See you on the inside!

To your success,

-Joseph Kisakye