Author Archives: Actiongirl

The KEY to success is… failure?

Hey there,
How are you 🙂
Have you ever heard this quote?:
“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I’ve lost almost 300 games.
26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.”
Do you know who said that?
If you said Michael Jordan, you’d be right.
One of the most successful basketball players of all time.
However, there is more to that quote.
Another little piece at the end.
Do you know what comes next?
Here it is…
“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.
And that is why I succeed.
I love this quote.
No matter what you want to accomplish in life, remember that mistakes are
part of the journey.
It’s the ‘doing’ part where you learn your most valuable lessons.
When it comes to making a living online, I’ve noticed that most people like to
buy a lot of products and study, study, study.
Yet, the harsh truth is that you can read a thousand courses, yet if you don’t take
ACTION on what you just learned, you won’t make much money online.
(That’s an income claim that I can say with confidence.)
See, people think they have to get things ‘perfect’ before they take steps forward in their business.
That’s rubbish.
What you need is guidance and someone to hold you accountable for your actions every week.
Stop wasting time spinning your wheels and start taking strategic action towards your goals.
A short video for you to watch:
Hope to see you inside
Ronni Denholm

Money Maker Website


This MILLIONAIRE wants YOU to have what
made him a millionaire!

He delivers exactly as he says he will…

He is FAST with all the set up!
Training is phenomenal NO BS…

I made over $7,000 from this Money Maker Website!

And you will too..
Click on the link see for yourself…

Hope to see you on the inside.
Ronni 🙂

I really, really like you

Real quick:

Because you’re a loyal subscriber…

… and I like you.

I’m doing something special for today and giving you a “sneak peak” into
the most
exciting opportunity to hit internet marketing in years.

Remember To Click On The Link To Ethically Steal Facebook And Google’s Billion
Dollar Business Model.

This is the same way Facebook and Google make their billions but you don’t
need to
be a juggernaut corporation to cash in on new formula.

If you want MORE traffic, MORE leads, MORE sales…

And HUGE commission checks from now on (and because you’re here on my
email list — you do!)…

Then the first step is to get in on the ground floor, before tens of
thousands of others take your place!

Click on the Link for More Info

See you on the inside!
Ronni Denholm

[Psst] Big news inside…

Hi there,

Have you ever known anyone who sold a stock, only to see it soar through the roof?

They spend the rest of their life saying “if only I had given it a little more time.”

This same principle applies to business, whether you’re starting a lemonade
stand or a car company.

You have to give your business time to succeed.

So many people today look to “get rich quick” online. They spend $497 thinking
they’ll make thousands by the end of the week.

They spend a few hours, maybe follow the steps. Then, at the end of the week
when nothing has happened they say the course doesn’t work.

Then they go out and buy another training. And then do the same thing over and over again.

Five years later they’ve spent tens-of-thousands of dollars and have nothing to show for it.

The irony of it all is the whole time they cry about not having the money to buy traffic.

Or to hire a tech guy to help them build that page.

They DID have the money. They just chose to spend it on a “quick fix” mentality.

You see, if they would have just focused on ONE thing and gave it some time,
eventually they would have begun to see a profit.

Instead, every opportunity was analyzed through the lens
of “what does this cost me?”

Maybe that is even you.

If so, stop thinking in terms of “what does this cost” and start to
ask “what will this earn me?”

Start to think in terms of the return you get from your money, effort and time.

Because the reality is that all it takes is a little bit of time and a whole lot of focus.

Success is a numbers game.

And numbers don’t lie.

With Digital Altitude it’s a mathematical certainty that you will succeed.


IF you put in the effort and drive the traffic to your sales pages.

The numbers for you are that out of every 100 people you send to your free video page,
30 people will sign up.

That’s proven. That’s what the D.A. system delivers time and time again.

The great news for you is that your system will now continue to follow up for you on
complete autopilot. You don’t have to put in any other effort as the follow up is
already built in for you.

Now, out of those 30 people who sign up for the free report, 1.5 will sign up for
the $1 trial immediately. A few more will come in later down the line after the system
follows up with them

That may not seem like much… but remember, you only had to get 100 people to your site.
If you send 1,000 people, then you end up with 15 people in your down line.

Those are the hard numbers. They’re tested and they’re proven.

Tell me, what’s the last opportunity that practically guaranteed you 15 people in your
down line with very little effort?

And, like the penny that doubles every day, eventually your small efforts will result
in HUGE returns.

In case you’re not familiar with the story, people were offered either $1 Million dollars
now… or a penny that doubled every day for a month.

Most people choose the million bucks. (Get rich quick mentality).

The penny starts off slowly. In fact, after 14 days all you have to show for it is $200.
Most people would call it a scam and give up.

Yet if you stick with it, by day 30 you will have made – are you ready for this? – $10.7 MILLION dollars.

All from starting with a single penny.

So if a simple penny can do all that, imagine what you can do with just getting 100 clicks to
your affiliate link every day.

That’s the power of focus and consistency.

See you at the top,

Ronni Denholm
P.S. Just follow these steps, and you will succeed…

Everyone was talking about this and now I know why

Hi there,

How are you 🙂
This guy who has been around for over 60 years, I have seen or heard of all
sorts of business opportunities.

The “opportunity” usually meant very little if
any income from a bunch of hard work. Let me tell you, this is the real deal!

Not too long ago, I did not know the difference between a “Click Per View”
and an “affiliate”.

Stone and the Plug-In Profit Site gave me something I
had searched for years to find: a viable and potentially incredibly profitable
home based business. I am Loving it, and I am totally committed to building
a profitable and fun business.

Just before I sat down to write this today, my email box notified me
saying: “You just earned: $”. I won’t divulge the amount let’s just say
it made me smile, and more is on the way! Thanks Stone from the bottom of my heart.

You can learn more at:

Thank you for reading my letter
Take Care
Ronni Denholm

Residual Income Creates Happiness!!!

Hi there,
Do you want to get your own website?
Check this out:
The setup is free, and the service is awesome!!!
I haven’t found an easier way to get my own website, and I’ve been looking…
Then I found this 🙂
I absolutely love it!
I highly recommend this for anyone who is looking for a New website to
be set up completely FREE!
It has everything you need the BEST part is you have FIVE streams
of commissions!
Get paid FIVE times a MONTH!
I thought you’d appreciate knowing about this too! 🙂

Ronni Denholm

You Earned It You Keep It!

Hi there,
How are you 🙂
My blog post – Case Study: How to Get an Army of Affiliates PAYING You to BUILD Your
List of Buyers…
To read – click on the link:
Thank you for reading my blog hope it has given you great value!
Take Care
Ronni Denholm

The KEY to success is… failure?

Hey there,
How are you 🙂
Have you ever heard this quote?:
“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I’ve lost almost 300 games.
26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.”
Do you know who said that?
If you said Michael Jordan, you’d be right.
One of the most successful basketball players of all time.
However, there is more to that quote.
Another little piece at the end.
Do you know what comes next?
Here it is…
“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.
And that is why I succeed.
I love this quote.
No matter what you want to accomplish in life, remember that mistakes are
part of the journey.
It’s the ‘doing’ part where you learn your most valuable lessons.
When it comes to making a living online, I’ve noticed that most people like to
buy a lot of products and study, study, study.
Yet, the harsh truth is that you can read a thousand courses, yet if you don’t take
ACTION on what you just learned, you won’t make much money online.
(That’s an income claim that I can say with confidence.)
See, people think they have to get things ‘perfect’ before they take steps forward in their business.
That’s rubbish.
What you need is guidance and someone to hold you accountable for your actions every week.
Stop wasting time spinning your wheels and start taking strategic action towards your goals.
A short video for you to watch:
Hope to see you inside
Ronni Denholm

I’m stunned… This actually works


Let me ask you a question…

Are you trying to start an online business…?

If so, let me know if this sounds like you:

You want to make money online, but you keep getting caught up in all of the technical
stuff that goes along with starting an online business…

HTML, CSS, FTP, PHP and a dozen other things you have to have to know to get a website
online and making you money… right?

Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about to move
forward on your dreams…

You get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER guru… telling you about the NEW shiny object of the day…

And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground as
you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start moving towards the next new thing…

If that sounds like you… then don’t worry. I can help.

Get full details here: