Author Archives: ucansucceed

So far ahead of all the rest.


The Australian Tea Tree Industry
Association recently thanked
Young Living for making pure
Tea Tree available. Why??
Because most on the market is
not pure! In fact, 50% of samples
gathered from around the world,
73% from the European Union,
50% from North America and Asia
and NONE from China were found
to be up to par! Why Young Living?
THAT’S why!! Step up to better. A
new and better normal. Life is too
short for anything less than the very
best. Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

A gentle hand pulling you.


It always amazes me why people won’t
even try to build a business with us. It is
time for people to wake up.
* Bank of America is expected to reduce
staffing in its consumer banking division
by as many as 8,000 more jobs.
* Walmart is going to cut some back-office
accounting jobs at about 500 stores in a
bid to become more efficient.
* Foreign investors sold a record amount
of U.S. Treasury bonds and notes for the
month of April, 2016.
* Layoff announcements at major firms are
running 24% higher in 2016 than they were
in 2015.
If you are reading this you need to get
started with us today! Step up to better. A
new and better normal. Life is too short for
anything less than the very best. Join us

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

No competition.


From Frances: “When you say you got
“MSM”, are you referring to Young Living’s
SULFURZYME? If not, you may not see
the same results. I took a known brand of
MSM for over a year before I was
introduced to Young Living. There was no
significant effect. When I switched to
Young Living’s SULFURZYME, within
WERE GONE – pain and stiffness from
arthritis that had persisted for almost
10 years!!! It truly makes a difference,
and Young Living supplements have
definitely been far more effective than any
other brand not only for me, but for
thousands of people that I have worked
with.” Step up to better. A new and better
normal. Life is too short for anything less
than the very best. Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Greater things are in store for you.


Stress is the cause of many health
challenges. Did you know that:
* 76% of workers cited that work
was the leading cause of their stress
* $300 Billion a year is the annual
cost to employers in stress related
health care and missed work
* 60% of workers say they are so
unhappy that they want to quit
We have the answer. Want less
stress in your life? Step up to
better. A new and better normal.
Life is too short for anything less
than the very best. Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Time to lay your burdens down.


For real success the path goes
through truth. When the Berlin
wall came down a communist
resident said that they had
learned that a free society
cannot function without a belief
in the Bible. Communism had
fallen because of human being’s
innate thirst for true religion,
freedom, and meaning in life. In
the areas of wellness, purpose,
and abundance the path of truth
goes through us. Step up to
better. A new and better normal.
Life is too short for anything less
than the very best. Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Nothing else comes close.


People put so much faith in other
people. People are just people
and they make mistakes. These
include people in the medical field.
George Pickering II was convinced
that his 27-year old son, who was
in a coma following a massive
stroke, still had life in him and he
refused to allow doctors to take his
son off life support. Pickering
fended off medics with a gun to
stop them. Three hours later, after
Pickering surrendered to a SWAT
team, doctors were amazed that
Pickering’s son was making eye
contact and following commands.
Pickering spent ten months in jail,
but was released in time to spend
Christmas at home with his son,
who now is completely recovered.
Trust God and do all you can to
take care of your health. Only God
and the body can heal. Give your
body some help with the very best
products in wellness. Step up to
better. A new and better normal.
Life is too short for anything less
than the very best. Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Shining through the darkness.


Today for many it would be better to
join us than to go to college. A survey
found that at almost two hundred
colleges students, on average, never
fully recouped the costs of their
education. Looking at the actual
return on the costs of attending
college, careful analyses suggests
that the payoff from many college
programs—as much as one in four
—is actually negative. Incredibly, the
schools seem to add nothing to the
market value of the students. We
have a better plan. Step up to better.
A new and better normal. Life is too
short for anything less than the very
best. Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

You are welcome here.


Through extensive research and
commitment to quality, we provide
answers to those who are seeking
truth. Every one of our products
can change your life. We could
build a company around each one
of our products. Get started today
on the very best product line for
wellness. Step up to better. A new
and better normal. Life is too short
for anything less than the very best.
Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Keeping hope alive.


There are many millions of traditional
businesses. Many people as they get
older look to sell their business and
relax. Approximately 25% of
businesses are up for sale at any
given time. Eight out of ten businesses
do not sell. Sellers either end up
keeping their business, giving their
business away, closing their business,
or filing bankruptcy. Just another good
reason why you want to start a network
marketing business with us. Step up to
better. A new and better normal. Life is
too short for anything less than the very
best. Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Nothing is impossible.


Is there a tiny glimmer of hope
inside you that wants a better
life? Take a look at our site
and that tiny glimmer will turn
into a raging inferno! This is
it! This gives you options for
wellness, purpose, and
abundance. Step up to better.
A new and better normal. Life
is too short for anything less
than the very best. Join us today!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.