Author Archives: jpmkmarketing


Dear internet user,

Get paid to use the Web. Earn while using Google, Facebook
and Twitter etc.

1.Sell Data
The personal data revolution. It’s time to capture. Control and profit
from your internet data (pays member $401.50 for life)

2.Guaranteed Sales (Advertisers)
Stop paying for clicks, views, impressions and fake traffic.

3.Refer And Earn(Affiliates)
Get paid to refer data sellers and advertisers Earnings: $100 per user
first level, $5 overrides down to level 16 and many more profit
sharing offers.

Check this and register here:

Have a nice day and good luck.

Yours sincerely
J.P Leshaba

Unique Sell My Data Membership Pays $401.50 Passive Income Free

Dear The Internet User,

Yes, it is free to join Sell My Data membership.
Anyone and everyone can do this and earn!

Take control. Stop being exploited by the
Internet giants that make a fortune off your data.
It is time you get paid for your data

The 5 Billion internet users use our browser extension,
browse the Web and earn $401.50 per year.We use people’s
browsing data to serve laser targeted adverts,profiling, targeting,
AI(Artificial Intelligence), demographics and more…

You get paid for data and advertisers pay us for targeting data.
Advertisers no longer pay for clicks, impressions or other industry Hocus Pocus!
Advertisers no longer waste their money!
Advertisers only pay for sales generated!
Guaranteed Sales!

Affiliates get paid $100 commission for introducing a Sell Data member.
$100 Affiliate commission is yearly recurring when the Data Seller continues
using the service. Ongoing commission for life!

Sponsors that have referred or will refer to a Level 1 affiliate and that affiliate
joins Sell Data for FREE, will receive the $100 commission.

Sponsors will get paid a $5 override for each Sell Data member
that is introduced by affiliates in their 16 level downline. $5 repeats
each year the member continues using the service. Ongoing
overrides for life!

Register now…

Have a nice day


5 BILLION SALES Completely Free To Join. This is Going to be HUGE!

We believe this new company called 5BillionSales
could be the catalyst to a dramatic change in
how over 5 Billion Internet users can be paid

simply by doing the things they already do online.

5BillionSales has found a way to Monetize your
online usage. That means people can now get
paid … For Free just to turn on their computers.

5BillionSales is in Free Stealth pre-launch,
which means those who join now
will not have to pay a penny!

The comp. plan is extremely generous. You can
get paid down 16 levels. You can still get paid
even if you don’t refer anyone, but you will make
so much more, even if you just get one referral!

All I am asking you to do is Join for Free Right Now,

while it is new and hot.

You have absolutely Nothing to Lose by joining.
There will be no cost to you at all but this could be your
ticket to a new zip code if you participate.

Take a Leap of Faith with me and see if this takes us to
levels of income we have never experienced online before.

Even though this is Free, I want only serious, committed
marketers to join. Those who take action, those who
want more out of life.

Please Register for Free Here below.

Join and build your network.
Have a great day and good luck.
J.P Leshaba
5BillionSales Affiliate

Affiliates!.. Earn Your Share of $500 Billion Commission! In Pre-Launch FREE!

Attention! Don’t sleep on this.
Get the first movers advantage!In stealth pre launch.
Ok whatever you do, be sure to TAKE ACTION on this information!
You can make MILLIONS this year!!!!!!
I’m still in shock about how much you can make with this ground floor

ANYWAY I decided to join IMMEDIATELY as I would be a fool not to!
Get paid to use the Web. Earn while using Google, Facebook and Twitter etc.
This opportunity is revolutionizing and monetizes existing web
services that 5 billion people already use. They pay people to use the
Web. Imagine repeating what you did on the Web yesterday and getting
paid $400. It is amazing!
Probably Nothing…
5 Billion Internet Users
We Pay Users $400 to Use the Internet
5 Billion Sales Up for Grabs
$100 Commission Recurring Yearly
$500 Billion Commission
+ Overrides from 16 Levels
Pre Launch – Miss It & You’ll Miss Out!

5 billion potential users, and you can get paid $100 for each. That is
$500 Billion in commission just waiting to be claimed.

For more information about this incredible revolutionary business,
please click here:
Have a nice day and good luck
Johannes P.Leshaba

Earn your share of $500 billion commission! In Pre-Launch

Attention! Don’t sleep on this.

Get the first movers advantage!

In stealth pre launch.

Ok whatever you do, be sure to TAKE ACTION on this information!

You can make MILLIONS this year!!!!!!

I’m still in shock about how much you can make with this ground floor

ANYWAY I decided to join IMMEDIATELY as I would be a fool not to!

Get paid to use the Web. Earn while using Google, Facebook and Twitter etc.

This opportunity is revolutionizing and monetizes existing web
services that 5 billion people already use. They pay people to use the
Web. Imagine repeating what you did on the Web yesterday and getting
paid $400. It is amazing!

Probably Nothing…
5 Billion Internet Users
We Pay Users $400 to Use the Internet
5 Billion Sales Up for Grabs
$100 Commission Recurring Yearly
$500 Billion Commission
+ Overrides from 16 Levels
Pre Launch – Miss It & You’ll Miss Out!

5 billion potential users, and you can get paid $100 for each. That is
$500 Billion in commission just waiting to be claimed.

I apologize if my email inconvenienced you. To remove your details,
please reply with – REMOVE – in the subject line.

For more information about this incredible revolutionary business,
please click here:

Have a nice day and good luck

Johannes P.Leshaba
