Author Archives: CRB21

Repeat this daily and see what happens

I’ve got a new mantra:

“live your passion, NOW.”

Repeat it out loud every day and see
what happens.

I find it interesting watching people do
things that seem to contradict their
very natures?

For example, the concept of ‘working a
job’ until the day you can
‘finally‘ live your dreams when
you’re too old to truly enjoy it.

I’m not talking ‘down’ on jobs.

There are people in the world who LOVE
what they do.

In fact, as you build your business,
you’ll need people who want jobs,
because those are the best employees.

But for people like us?

The world is an abundant place and this
might be the exact message you need to
hear today:

How To Build A Full Time Income Online!

See you inside.
Charles Brockus

Do you know your magic number?

It’s the amount you need to cover, before
everything else is gravy.

Look, before you know it, you could have
all your expenses covered with this.

Everything you make above and beyond that,
goes towards building your wealth and legacy.

Here’s what you want to think about covering:

* Mortgage/Rent
* Groceries
* Health
* Insurance
* Car payment/Insurance
* Credit Card
* Debt (min payments)
* School for kids?
* Utilities
* Internet/TV/Phone/Cell

Go ahead, add these up, and write down
what this number is.

It is vitally important to have a very concrete
reason to build a secondary income or you
won’t do it.

Are you ready?

60 days from now, your life can be completely

Imagine how you’d feel to spend more time with
your kids or lose the pressure of heavy debt.

Don’t wait, take a leap of faith and decide you
want something better.

You can do this… Join me!

Talk soon.
Charles Brockus

Do you know your magic number?

It’s the amount you need to cover, before
everything else is gravy.

Look, before you know it, you could have
all your expenses covered with this.

Everything you make above and beyond that,
goes towards building your wealth and legacy.

Here’s what you want to think about covering:

* Mortgage/Rent
* Groceries
* Health
* Insurance
* Car payment/Insurance
* Credit Card
* Debt (min payments)
* School for kids?
* Utilities
* Internet/TV/Phone/Cell

Go ahead, add these up, and write down
what this number is.

It is vitally important to have a very concrete
reason to build a secondary income or you
won’t do it.

Are you ready?

60 days from now, your life can be completely

Imagine how you’d feel to spend more time with
your kids or lose the pressure of heavy debt.

Don’t wait, take a leap of faith and decide you
want something better.

You can do this… Join me!

Talk soon.
Charles Brockus