Author Archives: Rulek


Have fun and be enthusiastic, too. People love enthusiasm and they can’t resist someone having fun. Make your business so much fun that others will flock to you to join you.


NO ONE ELSE can make you successful. It’s all up to you. YOU are the “master of your destiny” and responsible for your own success. Period.

Conversely, there’s not anyone or anything that will make you a failure. It does no good to blame the economy, your education, or whatever bad breaks you’ve had in your life. Doing so means taking on a victim’s mentality. DON’T EVER DO THIS. I can guarantee you that many thousands of people have succeeded despite having it much worse, so don’t make excuses and don’t convince yourself that you’re somehow a victim.

And the grass isn’t any greener on the other side either. You have now (or can acquire) everything you need to be successful. Just remember that it’s up to you and nobody else. Then go out and do it.


Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn’t, we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.

Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 20+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates.


Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn’t, we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.

Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 20+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates.


Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn’t, we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.

Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 20+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates.


Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn’t, we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.

Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 20+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates.


Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn’t, we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.

Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 20+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates.


Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn’t, we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.

Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 20+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates.


Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn’t, we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.

Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 20+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates.


Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in our type of business. And through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn’t, we have a very clear picture of what leads to success.

Likewise, we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 20+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates.