Author Archives: oldtimer

24/7 System Cranks Out Red-Hot Leads Daily!

Whatever niche market you may be in
Y O U Need Leads. Period.

And you also know that they aren’t all
that easy to come by, right?

Er, well until Now that is!

The link below will allow you to Claim
your own 100% Sales Funnel and
Lead Generator System.

No tricks, gimmics or smoke up your #!?

Just claim this PowerHouse and put it to
work! You’ll be amazed at how fast it really
does bring you L E A D S

Crypto Income for the Little Guy!

Are you frustrated that most Crypto-currency opportunities are too expensive for you?

Are you tired of surfing and clicking for tiny rewards but anxious to start earning
the BIG crypto money?

Then, WoW, have I ever got something for you!

How would you like a system that helps you turn a $2 ad/income purchase into $104?
Not just once, but over and over and over …

Pretty cool, right?

Better yet, this system is actually what is called an Exploding Matrix and each $2
purchase (or re-entry) can actually explode into 27 ADDITIONAL $2 purchases…
that can each earn $104 and create 27 Additional Positions.

WoW! . . . (Do you see why it’s called an exploding matrix? LOL)

Check it out now, [FIRST_NAME], by watching the short video on the page below
and then join at no cost to learn more then, hey, get started for only $2!

You’ll be glad you did.

Then, all you have to do is to copy this email and send it to a few of your network
Marketing friends and POOF, in no time, the system will be working for you!

Let’s do this together!

Thanks, have a great day and I look forward to working with you.

Larry (CryptoRock) Rockwell

Wacky Wednesday Freaky Fast Massive Blaster Launch

Freaky Fast Massive Blaster! Waiting 4 U


You’ll get a powerful blast of advertising for your
programs, every single time you use this blaster.

It gives the BEST delivery using lightening fast
speed, getting your ads to a humongous amount of
people. How Many people??

This freaky fast blaster reaches over 1,316,000+
people AND hits 6 different types of advertising
on 9 websites!

And it’s the most meatiest blaster EVER!
1-Click Join, 1-Click Send, NO RETURN EMAILS

It’s so easy, so fast, so 1-step / 1-click….
…you’ll wonder if it actually sent your ads!?

It DOES and the owner even WANTS you to use a tracker.
Because it REALLY sends, REALLY works and it’s REALLY
that simple.

It’s the most simple, easy, freaky fast, blaster EVER
created to date!

Get yours here:

Short and Quick survey

Short and Quick survey:

1. Would you be interested in making a lot
of bitcoin *regardless* of its market value?

2. Are you a Team Player?

If you answered YES to both questions, then
we’d like to invite you to join our Team!

Our Team identifies the Top, Most Lucrative
crypto-related opportunities. Then we join
them as a Team in order for every Team member
to maximize their profit.

Our current Hot Opportunity is a simple 2×6
matrix with only a mere $20 entrance cost.
Your potential income from the 1st level of
this matrix is over 200k! … but there are
2 more levels!

We are uniquely positioned very near the Top.
The legendary owner/admin has not yet even
invited his list (some 400k members).

The spillover will be nothing short of well,

Take a look at the matrix chart and be Wowed!
And it’s all automated! Upgrades, withdrawals
paid directly into you bitcoin wallet. Better
still, you only need 1 referral to qualify!

Look at the chart! Join us in this hot, HOT
opportunity! Prepare yourself – our Team has
everything in place to help you market. We
even have a Co-Op in place to help you get
your own referral! How MUCH do you want to
earn this year?

lol, They say it can’t be done!

They say it can’t be done

Screw all of the naysayers!

I WILL make 100k+ this year. You can too!

Hot new launch You Must Absolutely Consider.

1. Only $20 btc to start
2. Refer just 1 other person

Easy, Fast, Automatic Upgrades & Withdrawals!

Legendary trusted Admin/Owner. Everyone has
twenty bucks! Go on, take a look! My Team is
combining Crowdfunding and Team Leveraging to
ensure all Team members earn 6 figures *this*
year. You can too!

Believe that or . . Get The Hell Outa My Way!

You & UCT > Possibilities Are Limitless

Hello [FIRST_NAME]! My name is Larry Rockwell aka
Larry thePCGuy. Take a minute and FORGET affiliate
marketing! Think OUTSIDE the Box as I introduce
you to the Unified Crypto Team.

We are a Private Bitcoin Crowdfunding Project.
Our CryptoX3 System applies Market Proven Methods
of Crowdfunding along with the Power of Bitcoin
and Team System Leverage to Turn a Small Amount
of Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin into a Large
Amount of Bitcoin in a Short Period of Time!

This IS a Team Effort. An Earn As You Learn bitcoin
business that will grow and Grow and …

In as little as 15 – 30 days, you will begin to see
your investment grow. Yes, there IS an investment
required ($25, $50, $100 or $200) but NOONE is ever
allowed to invest more than $400 in a 30 day period.

Simply Pick your Starting “Profit Sharing” Package
or Packages in Our Private Crowdfunding & Affiliate
Profit Sharing Project and along with Our Team`s
efforts You will Begin to Receive Instant Bitcoin,
Ethereum or Litecoin Payments PAID Directly to YOU
Right to your Bitcoin Wallet as NEW Paid Members
are Invited and as they also Send in their Instant
Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin Payments to Join Our
Private Team!

Then You can Use those Earned Bitcoin, Ethereum or
Litecoin Payments towards your Own Financial Cause
or just to Pay your Monthly Bills!

*IMPORTANT* With Each of Our Profit Sharing Packages
we have Our Exclusive “Profit Assurance” Plan! Which
is if they do not produce a Profit after 15 or 30
days – You can still Request your Original Purchase
Amount BACK or you can Keep it in to Realize your
Profits! So there’s ZERO RISK & ALL Upside with Our

Oh yeah! CryptoX3 also offers you a Personal PAID
Referral Bonus Structure!
* Earn 20% on ALL Personally Sponsored Referrals!
* An Additional 50% Payout on ALL Profit Share
Packages for 3+ Referrals.
* An Additional 50% Payout on ALL Profit Share
Packages for 6+ Referrals.
* And a Whopping 300% Payout on ALL Profit Share
Packages for 10+ Referrals.

WoW! That’s a LOT to take in Outside the Box!
Now, IF you are still with me, then you will find
more details on the website in the link below.
PLEASE … IF you feel that You & UCT are a match,
mention my name (Larry Rockwell) and/or connect with
me on facebook (larry.thepcguy). I would love to be
your sponsor in this unique and fantastic team!

God Bless,
Larry thePCGuy
(Profit with Crypto!)

BitCoin Lifter In PreLaunch

Hey, Happy New Year!

2018 is here and it just might be time to
try something different!

Now, for me, BitCoin Lifter is perfect!

I`ve seen BTC value increase and believe
it will continue to go up.

I don`t have a lot of time to waste clicking
ads or other crazy stuff, so earning income
passively is great!

BitCoin Lifter is new (still in PreLaunch),
and for those who Act Fast, you can get a
really good deal. Lifetime membership with
NO monthly fees!

I love the multiple Daily income notices
as my BTC wallet gets fatter! Weekly bonuses,
unlimited referral commissions … wow!

Hey, take a close look yourself – it may be
what you`ve been looking for also!

Your Invitation To Free BTC

This is Your Invitation to Bitcoin

Aw, NO friggin way! . . . Right?!

But then, like Mikey from the Raison Bran
commercial .. he tried it and he liked it!

So . . what’s the “catch“, you ask?!

Fair enough! You DO need to invite 5+ other
folks who also like free bitcoin!

Can YOU do that?

There is NO fee.
There is NO membership.
This is NOT a matrix.
Heck, you won`t even give your name!

All you need is bitcoin wallet address, in
order to receive your payment(s)!

Bitcoin value goes up and down, so as of the
time of writing this invitation, the value
is 0.00313249 or approximately $13.20.

You invite 5 people, voila! Sixty Five Bucks!
Paid instantly to your bitcoin wallet!

Say What??! You don`t have a bitcoin wallet?
If you have a Payza account, actually you DO!
Just log in to your Payza account and do the
simple setup for your bitcoin wallet!

And, BTW .. you need not stop after you get
your 5 invites! Heck, there are Millions of
folks who like to make easy money like this!

🙂 Larry

Whats In Your Virta Coin Plus Wallet?

Lots of folks, like me, missed the boat some
5 years ago! Could have bought 1 BitCoin for a
mere 10 cents! Today, 1 Bitcoin sells for about
USD $ 1,125.00!

I know, right?! Even just a $1 investment then
would be worth over 11 grand! Sweet!

But, that opportunity is gone. We missed the boat.

Bitcoin was the pioneer. And NOW is the time to
explore the full potential of a digital currency.

Now YOUR time has come!

March 2017 a new digital currency was launched,
. . .VirtaCoinPlus

VirtaCoinPlus is being developed by regular people
like you and me. We call it: `The People`s Coin`.
Like Bitcoin in its early stages, VirtaCoinPlus is
still very cheap.

Here is YOUR opportunity to Join The Peoples Coin.
Yes, there is absolutely No Money required to pay.
But, you will need a VCP wallet to store your coins
and to buy/sell them. Easy enough-just join my link!

Now, IF you are willing to `work` a little and help
promote VCP, you will be helping VCP grow in value.
Plus, when you join my link below, you will learn
how to easily earn 100 VCP daily – for!

More info and everything you need is inside your
backoffice. Join today and together The Peoples Coin
will grow our futures. Start by clicking the link
NOW to register for your F.ree VCP Wallet . . .

Do IT In Under 2 Minutes With This Generator

According to Google, more searches are now performed on smart phones
than desktop devices. So what does that mean for you? Well, if you are
still making use of conventional squeeze pages, you risk losing more
than half your visitors opting in to your offer.

In this day and age, if you are not changing at the pace technology
changes you are dead in the water. As marketers we understand to stay
ahead we need to stay ahead of competition.

This is The one tool every marketer should have in their arsenal.
Squeeze pages created with the software looks equally good on desktops
and mobile devices. Apart from ensuring your opt-in pages are any device
friendly, we also designed the software to be extremely simple to use
and produce squeeze pages with minimal effort and input.

This makes it the ideal tool if you are selling squeeze pages on a
platform such as Fiverr dot com as it literally only takes 2 minutes
or less to produce a professional mobile friendly squeeze page.