Get Paid Faster – Your Way!

Easily receive your funds through Payoneer!
Your friend recommends Payoneer.
Sign up now and earn $25*
Receive a US and EUR collection bank account for commercial payments
Receive and withdraw funds in more than 200 countries, in over 70 currencies
24/7 customer support in over 35 languages
Receive funds to your Payoneer Account:
US and EUR Payment Service
Provides you with collection bank accounts, to receive commercial payments from US & EUR-based companies.
Companies Paying Through Payoneer
Get paid from thousands of companies who chose Payoneer as their global payout provider.
Withdraw funds from your Payoneer Account:
Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard® Card
Purchase online and in stores or withdraw cash at ATMs worldwide
Local Bank Account
Withdraw funds directly to your local bank accou
Your friend recommends Payoneer.
Sign up now and earn $25*