Swedish Rocker Wins Mercedes


Rob Paris looks like he should be onstage in a smoky club,
shredding an electric guitar, belting out songs of angst
and anger. Flowing, jet-black hair. Studded, leather biker
jacked. Skinny jeans. Lip ring. Eye shadow. His breath
puffing before him like smoke in the chill Swedish air.

But one thing seems a little out of place with the rest of
his look: His brand new Mercedes. A Mercedes he won by
hitting his MTTB sales goals.

That’s one of the things I love about internet marketing.
You don’t have to look a certain way. You don’t have to
live up to any else’s ideals of “respectability”. No suit
and tie required. As they say, you can do this in your
underwear if you want.

So, whether your style is long hair, sunglasses, piercings,
and tattoos…or sweatpants and flip-flops, you can have the
freedom to express that style every day, through internet
marketing success. And there’s one other thing that Rob
“gets” about internet marketing success that you wouldn’t
guess to look at him.

I’d tell you what it is…but I think it’s better to hear it
in his words. And I’ll even tell you where it is so you
don’t have to watch the whole video if you don’t want to
(though I recommend it). Just skip to the 1:40 mark and
watch for a minute or two.

But warning: you may get a little choked up listening to
this tough-looking rocker reveal the motivation that led to
his amazing success.Subscribe to below link.
==> http://www.smartgoal.net/ad/myoptinmemo.html

Talk later,

Mohammed Yusuf Jaafar