Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!

Things are tough all over, and I am not one who feels comfortable asking for help. Yet here I am asking for help from you, most likely a complete stranger.
Covid has affected everyone differently and I know it’s a lot to ask for help; however I am compelled to do so in the marketing community as I have no other contact of the outside world. Save my family in Canada.
This is an effort to raise funds as well as prove to my wife and family that all this time I’ve spent promoting already successful business is not in vain. We’re raising money to pay immigration lawyers.
We need professional help so I may get established and get back to work. If you are able to donate anything helpful, know that you are appreciated. Please email you can assist? “kawliga5150” at gmail
Or if you are not a member at the site displayed on the banner below, please join and upgrade?

Thank You!
