All you do is push a button! Get your ONE LINK now


I hope your day is going very well.

Our team’s system is ready… and you’re going to love it!

All the pieces are finally done.

The capture page.
The follow-up messages are built-in.
The front-end offer.
The buy now offer.
The all-in offer.
The upgrade process.
The postcards.
The money button

Do you see the big picture here [FIRST_NAME]?

You get one link. You direct your traffic to this one link. Your leads get tagged to you. They take the front-end offer. Everything is setup by the time they login to their backoffice. They press the money button to get traffic. You get the commission.


Your signups get one link. They direct their traffic to this one link. Their leads get tagged to them. They take the front-end offer. Everything is setup by the time they login to their backoffice. They press the money button to get traffic. You get the matching bonus.


Now, the only part to getting setup will be setting up the e-Wallet to get paid. That’s it.

Everything is now built-in and programmed to pull and push information to our vehicle, Traffic Authority.

All you do is push a button!

This changes the game for everyone who has ever struggled making money online. If all you have to do is “press a button” and the most confusing part is filling out the address form to get paid, then this will go viral very quickly.

I see a few people who signed up in the beginning but haven’t activated their account yet.

If you’re not setup and making money with this system already, make sure you click the button on this page to get setup now.


Darren Jones

P.S. This new ONE LINK ( marketing system for Traffic Authority is already integrated into different parts of the Plug-In Profit Site system for you… Just give away free websites, and your team will be directed to join Traffic Authority with YOU!