Do you know the secrets of residual income?

Hey [FULL_NAME], it’s Tony here,
This is an urgent warning to let you know about a potentially lethal infection that is spreading among online entrepreneurs these days.
It’s called Not-Enough-Information-Infection (NEII).
Although the exact causes are unknown, it occurs when online entrepreneurs believe they do not have enough information to take action…
Common symptoms are not taking action, feeling confused and not knowing where to start…
There have been reports of online entrepreneurs infected so badly affected by NEII that they buy course after course after course… thinking they will eventually have enough information…
And all the while, the victim’s online business rots to death. (In bad cases, they never even started one).
NEII is most common among beginners, but it can also affect the best of veterans.
The only cure is to take “Action,” a powerful drug.
Lucky for you, you can take “Action” by joining Automatic Builder and going through the step by step Free videos.
We have saved thousands of lives because we focus on getting real results and getting them fast by taking smart and proven actions every single day.
Of course, if you want to take your business even further, you definitely should join Automatic Builder.
So, if you want to get on the fast lane to success…
Best of luck and talk soon,