Author Archives: kwilly10

Do you know certain Muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat!

I bet you can’t guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat.
This “hidden survival muscle” in your body will boost your energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance when unlocked.
Discover which “hidden survival muscle” will help you boost your energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance permanently! If you realize that you sit a lot and you’ve been noticing some changes in your body why not take this opportunity to fix it

B12 deficiency

B12 deficiency is a silent epidemic with serious consequences to your health. Of all vitamin deficiencies,
vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the most dangerous.

In fact, reports from the USDA show B12 deficiency may be more widespread than thought, with at least 40% of the population being severely deficient in Vitamin B12.

Did you know your ability to absorb vitamin B12 gradually
decreases with age?

As troubling as it sounds, it can get worse…

Combine advancing age with certain prescription medications (i.e. for heartburn) and a lack of meat in your diet (especially true for vegetarians or vegans) and you could find yourself sorely lacking vitamin B12.

Blood Pressure Protocol – Crushing General Health Lists

Tasty Morning Smoothie for High Blood Pressure
Ditch your morning coffee and start your day with this tasty and healthy potassium-packed smoothie to control high blood pressure, also called hypertension. You can enjoy this smoothie for overall health even if you do not suffer from high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can lead to damage to your heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other parts of your body. To keep it in check, it is essential to modify your diet and lifestyle.
For example, experts recommend that people with high blood pressure eat a balanced and nutritious diet, restrict sodium intake, limit alcohol intake, cut back on caffeine, exercise regularly, watch their waistline and reduce stress in their life.
Eating foods rich in vitamin C and potassium are particularly beneficial. Several studies have found that these nutrients help lower blood pressure.
The antioxidant vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals and relax the blood vessel walls. It works as a diuretic to remove excess sodium and water from the body. Potassium also helps reduce blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure as it increases the excretion of sodium.
So, for a healthy dose of vitamin C, we have included fresh strawberries and kiwi in this smoothie. Strawberries also contain potassium. Plus, bananas are a good source of potassium. We have also added ground flaxseed for its fiber content.
Dairy products add to the health benefits of this smoothie. In fact, a 2013 study published in the journal Nutrition Reviews found that people who consumed at least three servings of dairy products a day had lower blood pressure and a lower risk for heart disease. This recipe includes skim milk and low-fat yogurt.
You can also add garden cress to enhance the smoothie’s flavor. Plus, this herb is rich in vitamins A, C and K, and offers cardiovascular benefits.
How to make a healthy breakfast smoothie for high blood pressure
Things you will need:
• Skim milk
• Low-fat yogurt
• Strawberries
• A banana
• A kiwi
• Ground flaxseed
• Garden cress (optional)
• A knife
• A blender
• Measuring cups
1. Pour ½ cup of skim milk into a blender.
2. Add ½ cup of low-fat yogurt.
3. Toss in ½ cup of sliced strawberries.
4. Slice 1 banana into it.
5. Add the chunks of 1 peeled kiwi.
6. Add a spoonful of ground flaxseeds.
7. Blend the mixture for a couple of minutes.
8. Optionally, chop and add a little garden cress and blend again.
9. Pour the smoothie into a glass.
You can now enjoy your healthy morning smoothie to help lower high blood pressure. Drink it daily or several times a week.
Note: Do not forget to take the blood pressure medication prescribed by your doctor. Use this recipe as an adjunct treatment and keep monitoring your blood pressure readings.

The secret of growing your hair in curly, kinky with Mira hair oil

Mira hair oil will grow hair faster. It will give you the self-confidence you deserve; it will give you healthy and beautiful hair. Mira hair oil gives longer, silkier, more manageable hair to all hair types it will be fine, curly, kinky – all without any corrosive effect. If you are serious about getting longer, more beautiful hair, as fast and safely as possible you need to see what all this fuss is about!