Author Archives: i4icarus


Rewardical is here: From the family of TripleClicks and the soon to launch LocalVantia comes the exciting new rewards points from Carson Services Inc. To sign up for your free local rewards use the following link and enter promo code 10e23a8
When you join free you get 25 starter points towards rewards like 1oz silver bars and bitcoin, TripleClicks gift certificates and more.

Rewards will soon be available in a wide variety of merchants near you and will be an integral part of the Localvantia Merchant Program. Get in on the knowledge and use your promo code above right now.
Promo Code: 10e23a8
Thanks and Regards,
Pascual D.

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Price Benders


PRICEBENDERS™ Penny Auctions allow you to bid on and win hot, name brand products for a fraction of the retail price (typically more than 90% off)!

Every auction starts at just one cent, with the price going up by just one cent more for each bid placed. The result is usually a jaw-dropping low price!

How low? Check out a few of our auctions from the last week, listed

Happy Bidding!
Pascual D.

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