Author Archives: eby101

How I Convert My Free Time Into New cash Commissions Online

In the next two minutes, I’ll exactly show you
My Tried and Tested 3-Steps-2 Success Formula:
Step Number
#1. How to make additional REAL CASH Commission Online
#2. How to repeat This Process … over and over again …
#3. How to scale it BIG to the next level …
– Using different Roll-Out-Strategies
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– Ordinary Newbies have had success with this
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Here is the deal!
1. You earn Cash Commission first before
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3. There is no need for you to run out of cash or
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5. You see positive Return On Investment (ROI).
Check it out ====> <====
You'll Never Regret it!
Speak soon!

Can you write your own paycheck? This shows you how…

Let me ask you a question…

Are you trying to start an online business…?

If so, let me know if this sounds like you:

You want to make money online, but you keep getting caught up in all of the technical stuff that goes along with starting an online business…

HTML, CSS, FTP, PHP and a dozen other things you have to have to know to get a website online and making you money… right?

Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about to move forward on your dreams…

You get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER guru… telling you about the NEW shiny object of the day…

And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground as you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start moving towards the next new thing…

If that sounds like you… then don’t worry. I can help.

Get full details here:

I highly recommend this [FIRST_NAME]

Let me ask you a question…

Are you trying to start an online business…?

If so, let me know if this sounds like you:

You want to make money online, but you keep getting caught up in all of the technical stuff that goes along with starting an online business…

HTML, CSS, FTP, PHP and a dozen other things you have to have to know to get a website online and making you money… right?

Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about to move forward on your dreams…

You get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER guru… telling you about the NEW shiny object of the day…

And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground as you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start moving towards the next new thing…

If that sounds like you… then don’t worry. I can help.
Get full details here:

Finally! No experience needed to profit online…

Let me ask you a question…

Are you trying to start an online business…?

If so, let me know if this sounds like you:

You want to make money online, but you keep getting caught up in all of the technical stuff that goes along with starting an online business…

HTML, CSS, FTP, PHP and a dozen other things you have to have to know to get a website online and making you money… right?

Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about to move forward on your dreams…

You get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER guru… telling you about the NEW shiny object of the day…

And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground as you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start moving towards the next new thing…

If that sounds like you… then don’t worry. I can help.

Get full details here:

[FIRST_NAME], This Advertising Pays You … I’m a Witness!


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Donald Okpalugo
PS. If you don’t have a website yet
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Are You Struggling to Find Your WHY? …

Let me ask you a question …
Are you trying to start OR expand an online business… BUT struggling to Find Your Why?
If so, let me know if this sounds like you:
You want to make BIG money online, but you keep getting caught up in all of the usual personal “ifs” and “buts” kind of stuff that go along with starting or expanding an online business…
Such as secure 9-5 job for you and spouse, great combined salaries, nice big house, beautiful car, great vacation once a year and a dozen other things or perks you have to purchase either cash or on credit to maintain your present lift style … right?
Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about to move forward on your dreams…
You get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER friend or family … telling you how they lost money online and give you another 10 excuses why making money online is risky and not a great idea BUT full of risks …
And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground as you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start drifting deeper and deeper into debt …
If that sounds like you… then don’t worry. You’ve heard the saying ” To cross a mine field, follow somebody” I’ve been making money on the internet since 2000 combined with my 9-5 as a chartered Physicist and an entrepreneur. I can help you find your Why and together I’d hold your hand while we build your online business together. It’s like teaching a kid how to ride a bicycle. You’d lean on me and learn really fast! Your success is now mine too! For me failure is not an OPTION.
Get full details here as my partner Stone Evans reveal the Special Offer we have for you today:

Could this be your WHY? …

Hi Valued Member!

Am gonna keep this breaking news short and sweet! How would you feel to have returned with your family from last summer vacation to the Good News! Bad News!! and the Ugly News!!! Which one would you prefer to read first. I don’t know about you but as for me – Give me the Good News First.

You got the new job. And the pay is really good. I know … You can’t wait to ask the next set of questions … How much is my rise? And when do I start? Of course the Agency was really quick to give you the answers. The rise is $10,000 annually and you’ll be starting first of September. You figured it out already … if this last year’s family vacation cost you about $7500 on your credit card; this year you can afford to pay cash with some left over to service the credit card balance from previous years. All sounded really cool until you asked the Agency why BUT? That was the end of the Good News! am afraid the Agency replied.

The rise is subject to you producing a current licence required by law for you profession. For example in the United Kingdom, if you a teacher working with children, the licence is called DBS standing for Disclosure and Baring Service – the more “politically correct” new name for the old scary Criminal Records Bureau. Fortunately for you – you were really lucky and smart; because you new at the beginning of January 2015 that your licence would be due for renewal this year so you started way back on the 25th of January, 2015 to apply for a renewal licence. Under normal circumstances, this process would take at most four calendar months. This year for some unknown reason, by August 31st your licence has still not come and the dream of starting the new job with a rise of $ 000, was gradually fading away and so does the next family summer holidays ‘cos you’r up to your eye balls in debt and the Credit company would not agree to raise you credit limit unless you got a licence and a more permanent job.

That was when the joke became reality! The hero of my breaking news soon woke up to the reality. Why was it taking the UK Government in London more than six weeks to process teachers’ licences within the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) area of London? No body new the answer to this question until our hero picked up the phone and called the MPS. No human answer. Just a recorded message asking the caller to call back because the person they wish to speak to was not available. The whole thing felt like a dream. Until he called the DBS direct and he was told the licence was at stage 4 and would be with him shortly. Of course you figured things out. Stage 4 was the Police. Many people around the world do not know the extent of the Powers the British State has vested on their Police Forces and especially the MET as the MPS is usually called for short. Our hero in this story turned to his local Member of Parliament to intervene and he was told because of the division of powers between the three arms of her majesty’s government, the MP was really powerless to tell the Police what to do as they had independent powers to take their time to do something as simple as look into three databases and issue a clearance for a teacher to go back to his or her old job or a new one with a rise of $10K. By now things began to turn really ugly for our hero. He pleaded with the MP to write the head of DBS “Kwango” as popularly referred to in England to escalate the process of issuing teaching licences to Londoners’ caught in this pandemonium.

The ugly news came when a reply came back from the DBS Chief Executive claiming that our hero was lucky his licence would be issued shortly after eight months because the MET was having difficulty processing applications this year because they were relocating to a bigger office and so are not able to keep on top of things. Our hero thought this was a real joke answer. You mean the forces giving the responsibility to protect Londoners could not plan a smooth transition from one building to another to minimize interruption of the licencing workflow.

This breaking news was meant to help you to see my why for taking this “Home Business” seriously. It is a means to shield me from such governmental interruption of our daily live’s routine. Of determining if I can have a holiday or not and when I want it. If I could have a rise or not and when I ask for it. You know what! I was very angry and disappointed when the news came that the reason for the delay of licencing thousands of teachers in London last summer was such a flimsy excuse as office relocation. Whereas that sounded politically correct, you be the judge. You may write me at to express your views.

However, the lesson we all learn from this breaking news is the risk any one who has ONE SOURCE OF INCOME is facing in today’s economy. Check here to find a way out:

Till next time

Are You Struggling to Find Your WHY? …

Let me ask you a question …
Are you trying to start OR expand an online business… BUT struggling to Find Your Why?
If so, let me know if this sounds like you:
You want to make BIG money online, but you keep getting caught up in all of the usual personal “ifs” and “buts” kind of stuff that go along with starting or expanding an online business…
Such as secure 9-5 job for you and spouse, great combined salaries, nice big house, beautiful car, great vacation once a year and a dozen other things or perks you have to purchase either cash or on credit to maintain your present lift style … right?
Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about to move forward on your dreams…
You get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER friend or family … telling you how they lost money online and give you another 10 excuses why making money online is risky and not a great idea BUT full of risks …
And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground as you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start drifting deeper and deeper into debt …
If that sounds like you… then don’t worry. You’ve heard the saying ” To cross a mine field, follow somebody” I’ve been making money on the internet since 2000 combined with my 9-5 as a chartered Physicist and an entrepreneur. I can help you find your Why and together I’d hold your hand while we build your online business together. It’s like teaching a kid how to ride a bicycle. You’d lean on me and learn really fast! Your success is now mine too! For me failure is not an OPTION.
Get full details here as my partner Stone Evans reveal the Special Offer we have for you today: