Simple Comparison

This is a comparison of Submitters vs Te’s and Safelists.
Both are alike in many ways.

They both require you to enter a Subject Line, Ad Body, and Your Site URL.

They both bring in traffic.
They both send Your Ads From Their Own Servers, Complete With SPAM Compliance.
They both take about the same amount of time to set up.

Both provide customer service, but expect that you play by the rules and can follow directions.

Some require you to click on a number of links or banners before you can advertise each day.

However, TE’s and Safelists require you to use credits you earn when clicking on links in your email.
When you don’t read the emails and click credits, you run out of them, and find that you are not able to send your ads.

They also have limits on sending times of between 1-27 days apart. I only know of one that I can send to multiple times per day.

Your audience is limited to the number set by the admin, or to the number of members in the group.
You can choose to be a free member, or purchase the offered upgrades, often paying for a certain length of time, whether it is billed monthly or yearly.

Submitters don’t require credits, and because of this, you never receive all those emails.

These have sending times of hourly – daily.

Each submitter sends to several thousand prospects who have agreed to receive and consider your ads.

Submitters cost a one-time fee of $15, and you may use them as often as you wish.

You must enter an auth code to send your ad. This code can be easily found at the bottom of any mail you get from That Marketing Guy, and it is usually good for 84 hours. I have found that once you enter this code for one ad, it is saved, so you don’t have to copy and paste it more than once.

These submitters do not require a login. You simply bookmark the page, so you can easily visit and advertise.

I use both, but I prefer to send to more people, and not to need the credits. I get nearly the same click-thru-rate with submitters, that I can see on my dashboard.
One percent of a million is more than one percent of a thousand, right?

So it is only sensible to send to millions of new eyes (yes, I use a lot of them), than to thousands, who have already seen my ads ad nauseum.

Follow the link provided, and look at the more than 64 submitters you can choose from.
Compare how often you may send, how many recipients there are, and also look for the packs of multiple submitters.

Get More of a BANG For Your BUCK!!
Wendy Blessing