Facebook Milking Method (NEW LAUNCH)

Facebook is a big fat dairy
cow just WAITING for you to
milk its users into your
offers and programs.

I found a service that runs
prospect acquisition campaigns
on ALL the top 15 social media
sites, including Facebook and
feeds you prospects to mail
with your offers.

Organic Prospects

===> http://www.organicprospects.com/?ref=Vigilant

Yesterday I sent out an ad
to my Organic Prospects and
brought in 8 paying members
in about 9 hours.

I AM DEAD SERIOUS (ask me for screenshot proof)

This service is about as easy to
use as a computer mouse.

Need help? I’m here for you:


If it works for you, you owe me lunch.

(I like Caviar and Kobe Beef but KFC works too 🙂

===> http://www.organicprospects.com/?ref=Vigilant

Stay Vigilant My Friends!

Dustin Gallagher
The Vigilant Marketer