The NetFlix strategy = 39% conversions (works for ANY Program)

All traffic should not be
considered equal.

That it something I learned
very early on in this industry.

What would you rather have,
1 mill.ion hits that converts
into 1 sale or 50 hits that
convert into 5 sales?

I sure know which I’d take.

Let me fill you in on a traffic
source known as Organic Prospects.


The traffic their service
generates for me has converted
as little as 6 clicks into a
real, paying customer.

How is this possible?

Because the traffic Organic Prospects
generates is extremely targeted.

I don’t want to sound pushy but
you really need to stop what
you’re doing and check them out
right now:


If you don’t, trust me, someone
else will take your spot.

To Your Success,

Dustin Gallagher
The Vigilant Marketer

P.S. Organic Prospects works for any
business under the sun. I am 100%
confident your traffic, sales and
signups will go through the roof
because plainly thats what has
happened to me since joining 🙂

P.P.S. Networking is my passion.
Reach out any time 24/7:)