Author Archives: klokan01


Cash Links:
These are paid-to-click links which appear on your dashboard, and reward you with extra cash!
Cash links are a great way to show other members what else you’re involved with, and invite them to join you.
$1.00 => 50 visitors = $0.02 per click. $0.01 goes to clicker, and $0.01 goes to sponsor
Visitor remains on your site 30 seconds
$1.00 => 25 visitors = $0.04 per click. $0.02 goes to clicker, and $0.02 goes to sponsor
Visitor remains on your site 60 seconds
To qualify for referral click earnings from these links, you must have clicked a minimum of 10 ads in the traffic exchange within the last 24 hours.

TrafficMonsoon Functional ad server

Monsoon Traffic Packages offers you the ability to promote your website through a myriad of advertising websites to help you gain great exposure, increase recognition, and generate better overall results in gaining sign-ups, leads, and referrals.