Author Archives: bbauman442


This Christian founded Home Biz Team can
really help YOU Make a REAL Monthly Income!

Come Join us in Building MONTHLY Residual Income From Home!
• Free Tools
• Free Training
• Free Web Page (NO Hidden web page costs!)
• Start Building Serious Income
• Build Monthly Residual Income
• Make some great 100% Commissions! (NO Pass-ups!)
• Home Based Business Success can be yours!
• Get Started Today with STEP-By-STEP Training
Plus, we do it ALL from a SMALL Budget.

YOU can start building REAL Residual Income!
Join us and get started today!

God bless you,
In Christ,
Bill B

Christian founded ~ Online Income Club

This Christian founded Home Biz Team can
really help YOU Make a REAL Monthly Income!

Come J0in us in Building MONTHLY Residual Income From Home!
• Free Tools
• Free Training
• Free Web Page (NO Hidden web page costs!)
• Start Building Serious Income
• Build Monthly Residual Income
• Make some great 100% Commissions! (NO Pass-ups!)
• Home Based Business Success can be yours!
• Get Started Today with STEP-By-STEP Training
Plus, we do it ALL from a SMALL Budget.

YOU can start building REAL Residual Income!
Join us and get started today!

God bless you,
In Christ,
Bill B

Amazing Christian Founded Team for Serious Income Building

This Christian founded Home Biz Team can
really help YOU Make a REAL Monthly Income!

Come J0in us in Building MONTHLY Residual Income From Home!
• Free Tools
• Free Training
• Free Web Page (NO Hidden web page costs!)
• Start Building Serious Income
• Build Monthly Residual Income
• Make some great 100% Commissions! (NO Pass-ups!)
• Home Based Business Success can be yours!
• Get Started Today with STEP-By-STEP Training
Plus, we do it ALL from a SMALL Budget.

YOU can start building REAL Residual Income!
Join us and get started today!

God bless you,
In Christ,

Bill B

Christian Founded ~ Residual Income Team! : )

Introducing, the Christian Founded “Online Income Club”.
Join the club and learn how to make a REAL income from home!
Free Tools + Free Training + Free Website (No hidden webpage costs!).
Build Non-stop, Monthly, Residual Income through
PROVEN and TIME TESTED Home Based Businesses
and Online Business Opportunities.
We do it from a small budget, without breaking the bank!
We’re ready to help you make real income online…Step-by-Step!
If you can copy, paste and follow directions…
I believe this IS the absolute BEST opp available online today!
Join now and get started today.
God bless you,
In Christ,

Bill B

Learn and Build an online business


Tired of chasing shiny objects or the “next big/new thing”?
Me too.
No fancy graphics, screaming headlines, cartoon characters, outrageous promises or “done for you” systems.
Just a step by step program with coaches to guide you through the process.
Click the link, watch the video and decide for yourself.

Enough said,
Bill Bauman

3 Keys to Six-Figures a Year?

Hey [First_Name],

Recently I was having lunch with a “kid” (he’s in his 20’s) who routinely makes over $30,000 a month.
Now, I know of guys who have worked over 30 years and barely make that in an entire year. So of course I wanted to know how he did it. He chalks it up to 3 Key things:

1) Be willing to invest in yourself EVEN if you’re uncertain about the outcome.
This is what successful entrepreneurs do. They make decisions quickly and change their mind slowly. To create change you have to create new habits. As you’re creating new habits feelings such as fear and anxiety may set in. Know that it’s just a change that’s happening in your brain and is completely normal. It’s the key to rewiring yourself for success:-)

2) Find a mentor that has what you want & learn everything you can from them.

3) Take Massive Action & Simplify Your Business Achieve mastery in one area of your business before moving onto the next.
This is critical, especially if you’re just getting started. More importantly, you need to have a system that you can follow that eliminates all the guess work. This kid makes the money he does because he found a company that has both: a proven system AND a mentor.

===> If You Want Your Own Millionaire Mentor, You Have To Check This Out

Honestly, I wish this was something that I had when I started out. It would have shaved years off my path to financial freedom.

Don’t make the same mistakes I made. Ditch the learning curve and jump straight into success.

To your success,

William Bauman

What famous people do that you don’t

Have you ever wondered why famous people are successful? What is it about George Clooney, Beyonce or Floyd Mayweather that makes them so successful?

Ultra successful and famous people often seem like they live on a level above the rest of the world. They live in giant house, make bucketloads of cash and rub shoulders with other famous and powerful, people.
Is it their connections?
Their upbringing?
Their crazy good looks? Nope. Not at all.
(Oh, alright… you have to have some talent and good looks.)
Famous people are famous because they’ve usually achieved something that others haven’t. Yes, it might seem “magical”, yet there’s really nothing special about it. What sets them apart is that they’re more consistent than other people. They focus on ONE thing with a degree of obsession that most people can’t fathom. Yet, look at the results.
If you want to increase the amount of money you make online, chances are you’ve be running from hot new source/system/app/software to hot new source/system/app/software. You’re spinning a million plates at once. What if there was just ONE thing you could do that would change everything? Well, I may have found it.
Stop spinning plates and wasting time.
Just do what famous people do and FOCUS on this ONE thing.

To your success,
William Bauman

P.S. Be sure to click on the link to get the”secret sauce” for online marketing!

A neat-trick that could save you thousands

Hey [First_Name],
Did you know a recent study discovered the average American household credit card debt is $7,123?*
Crazy, huh?
If you’re in debt, there’s a quick way out.
===> a short video that explains all.<===
Follow the steps inside and watch your debts become a thing of the past.
To your success,
William Bauman

Your momentum got distracted..

Hey [First_Name],
Right now, you’re being run over by a stamped every day. A stampede that’s everywhere you look. A stampede that is destroying your chances for success. What am I talking about? The stampede of information and entertainment you are faced with everyday, of course. Every day you have to navigate your way through an onslaught of pings, dings and “new message” notifications.
Plus, you have to deal with the temptation of:
Unending Emails
Text messages
Phone calls
App notifications
Other product launches
The list goes on and on and on… Let’s face it, if you want to make real progress in your business, something has to give. You have to cut through the noise and focus on what’s important.
Your free time is PRECIOUS.
You need to treat it that way. Especially, if you still work a 9-5. What’s the VERY first thing you do when you sit down at your computer? Check your email, right? I used to be guilty of this too. Before you know it, three hours have gone by and you haven’t accomplished one thing you planned to. Whatever you do FIRST on the computer sets the momentum for the rest of your day. So what kind of momentum are you creating each day? The momentum of distraction? Or the momentum of ACTION and success? What if there was a system that destroyed distraction and showed you the exact steps to take each day?
Escape the stampede. Click the link today and start creating REAL momentum in your life.
To your success,

William Bauman
P.S. Click the link to access the “secret sauce” that can clear all of your distractions!

What famous people do that you don’t

Hey [FirstName],
Have you ever wondered why famous people are successful? What is it about George Clooney, Beyonce or Floyd Mayweather that makes them so successful?

Ultra successful and famous people often seem like they live on a level above the rest of the world. They live in giant house, make bucketloads of cash and rub shoulders with other famous and powerful, people.
Is it their connections?
Their upbringing?
Their crazy good looks? Nope. Not at all.
(Oh, alright… you have to have some talent and good looks.)
Famous people are famous because they’ve usually achieved something that others haven’t. Yes, it might seem “magical”, yet there’s really nothing special about it. What sets them apart is that they’re more consistent than other people. They focus on ONE thing with a degree of obsession that most people can’t fathom. Yet, look at the results.
If you want to increase the amount of money you make online, chances are you’ve be running from hot new source/system/app/software to hot new source/system/app/software. You’re spinning a million plates at once. What if there was just ONE thing you could do that would change everything? Well, I may have found it.
Stop spinning plates and wasting time.
Just do what famous people do and FOCUS on this ONE thing.

To your success,
William Bauman

P.S. Be sure to click on the link to get the”secret sauce” for online marketing!